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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
Od 01.01.2015 odwiedzono tę wizytówkę 520 razy.
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* - najpopularniejszy informator edukacyjny - 1,5 mln użytkowników miesięcznie

Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Continuing and Professional Education
Useful Information

Who can join?

Anyone! Our courses are open to any adult with an interest in or curiosity about the subject. No previous qualifications are required for most of our courses. We aim to offer courses that are interesting, to encourage people who may not normally think of attending a University to try something new and to make courses easily accessible for people with work or family commitments, or those with transport difficulties.

How do I join?

Send in the completed application form (printed in this prospectus) with your fee by Friday 8 September OR Friday 8 December for January start dates. You may also enrol over the phone, using your credit card or pay when you attend. Courses requiring pre-enrolment before the first meeting are marked with a closing date.

Library facilities

All students enrolled on accredited courses will be entitled to borrow books from the Keele Library until the end of their course only. Authorisation of borrowing rights will be issued to students on receipt of enrolment details from the tutor.

Joint courses

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are run jointly with the Workers' Educational Association, which also advertises them.

Admission to courses
We operate a policy of open entry to our courses. However, we reserve the right not to grant admission to courses in cases where we believe the success of the course or the well-being of the class may be affected. A student handbook is available.
Provision of courses
The provision of courses is subject to the enrolment of sufficient numbers of students and the maintenance of satisfactory conditions for the running of the course.

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